"Life is not measured by the breath you take, but rather by the moments that take your breath away."
Yesterday I attended my school districts Student Leadership Program. It was a day filled with inspirational speakers and workshops, and for those who personally know me should know that I simply adore things like that. lol. But yesterday's speaker Carlos Ojeda Jr. was not just your average speaker. He was much more than that! As he spoke of his childhood and how he was labeled, how he had to leave everything he knew and be "put in a corner" he took you on a journey. One that was weaved with comical dialogue but one that was so familiar it tugged at your very heart strings. EVERY SINGLE POINT he was trying to make was clear! I learned so much from his opening speech, I found myself cringing from the pain of laughter, then covering my face from crying. It was the most inspired I'd been all summer! He asked us questions like:
How many of you are teen parents? (I may not be one but I know enough.)
How many of you are high school drop outs? (I know a few, or at the least a few who've thought of it.)
How many of you know someone in jail? (I know way to many of those people.)
And the way that he answered them NEVER made you feel bad about the mistakes we've made. Never was him looking down upon us, he wasn't shaking his finger in our faces he wasn't saying he was better than us. He was saying that THAT is the reality, THAT at one point was HIS life.
"When you look at me, I want you to see the minimum of what YOU can be."
"Never ever let anyone tell you who you are or what you will become. That is your destiny to fulfill."
To get in contact with Mr.Carlos Ojeda Jr. visit:
Youtube him if you like. He is very good at what he does but if you ever decide to google him whatever you do DON'T ENTER Carlos Ojeda...because a big time drug dealer is going to pop up and THAT ISN'T HIM! lol.